Red Oolong Tea was originally innovated in Luye, haitung, in 2008. The process of making Red Oolong matches perfectly with the terrain and natural conditions of Luye. With a fermentation close to black tea, Red Oolong is the most fermented tea among all in oolong category. Nevertheless, it still goes through the pan-firing process that black tea doesn’t do. Therefore, gives Red Oolong characteristics from both sides, with black tea’s round warm touch and oolong’s flagrance, in an alluring amber color. Our Red Oolong receives a great deal of compliments, not only from those who savour tea as routine, but also the young generation that we have tried eagerly to reach. More than just tea, Red Oolong has become the symbol of Luye.

Red Oolong Tea Cooperative: Our Brand Story

The cooperative was co-founded by smallholder farmers, who joined as shareholders (members) and run operations jointly. Smallholder farmers provide products, while the cooperative is in charge of quality control, flavor stability, sales and marketing, as well as the development of new individual brands. After deducting the operating expenses from the cooperative’s revenue, the profit will be shared with the smallholder farmers, and consumers can enjoy a cup of good tea at a reasonable price.

Moreover, because smallholder farmers participate in business operations, they can not only enjoy the benefits of planned production but also understand customer needs, raising the bar to exceed expectations.


In the Red Oolong Tea Cooperative, tea farmers, tea factories, tea makers and tea merchants work together to create a brand of Red Oolong Tea. Combining the expertise of each partner, we make the best of everyone’s resources and capabilities to set quality standards for Red Oolong Tea, present diverse flavors and expand tea plantations.

The cooperative assists the development of primary, secondary and tertiary tea industries and purchases tea above the market price, while tea farmers devote their efforts to tea plantation management and an exhaustive production process, creating a positive cycle of mutual trust and collaboration between the cooperative and tea farmers.

The simple but stylish packaging design reflects the high quality of the Red Oolong Tea, establishing the positioning and value of the Red Oolong Tea originally produced in Luye and introducing it to the global market.

Through “Cooperation”, we preserve the agriculture and tea processing techniques of the Red Oolong
We protect the land with “Sustainability”,
supporting the tea industry in a clean environment
We make sure our products are “Safe” and healthy for consumers
Our “High-quality” products fill every moment with good taste and blessings

Quality control. Stable flavor.


Certification Mark of Origin, Five Guarantees:
  • 1. Ensure the source through on-site inspection

    The township office checks the quantity of tea leaves with the area of the corresponding plantation

  • 2. No pesticide detected, ensuring health and safety

    Each batch is sent for drug testing to make sure that the tea products meet national health and safety standards.

  • 3. Selected by national tea tasters

    Sensory evaluations are conducted on the taste, aroma, liquor color and appearance of tea products, the score of which must exceed the threshold set by the cooperative to be selected.

  • 4. Products are traceable through unique registration numbers

    The origin and safety information of the tea can be accessed through the information system.

  • 5. Use of anti-counterfeiting labels

    The certification mark of origin on the packaging has anti-counterfeiting optically variable hidden graphic design.

“The red oolong tea of the world, the red oolong tea of Luye, Taitung”

How to steep delicious red oolong tea?

This is a type of tea that can be steeped multiple times with stable quality and unique favor, which is suitable for beginners

Tea 3 grams
Water 250c.c.
60 seconds
Enjoy your tea

Cherish the good local tea of an ethical business

We identify the terroir and local characteristics and value the nature of tea trees, celebrating the spirit of co-creation with nature.

We pass on the local tea processing techniques and promote eco-friendly cultivation methods.
We provide products with a certification mark of origin, no pesticide detected, and flavors approved by experts directly to consumers,
give back a reasonable profit to smallholder farmers,
and then invest in the tea plantations.

What we make is not just tea.
Every sip of tea is a love song to the land
and our commitment to our hometown.
